「The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media」というハリウッド女優のジーナ・デイヴィス(Geena Davis)によって創設されたNPOは、ジェンダーステレオタイプを減らし、子供向けエンターテインメントコンテンツにおける女性の存在を増やす目的で活動しており、このたび脚本におけるジェンダー差別を減らすため、新しいマシーンラーニングツールの使用を開始した。
ディズニーは、Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Mediaと協同してこのツールをもとに脚本の分析をすると発表した。
The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, a non-profit organization created by the Hollywood actress Geena Davis in order to reduce gender stereotypes and increase female representation in children entertainment content, launched a new machine-learning tool to reduce gender discrimination in entertainment scripts.
The new tool called GD-IQ: Spellcheck for Bias and developed by the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering analyzes TV and movie scripts to track biases in gender, race, disabilities and LGBTQIA characters.
Disney announced its collaboration with the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media by using the new tool to analyze its scripts.
“We’re going to collaborate with Disney over the next year using this tool to help their decision-making [and] identify opportunities to increase diversity and inclusion in the manuscripts that they receive. We’re very excited about the possibilities with this new technology and we encourage everybody to get in touch with us and give it a try,” said Davis.