ダイバーシティをビジネス視点で考える PINGUINC. > NEWS > トランプ大統領就任後、政府のウェブサイトからLGBTに関するコンテンツや記述が削除されていた







例えば、トランスジェンダーの生徒に関する教育省の文書の削除。3月には、レズビアンとバイセクシャルの女性の健康に関する情報が、保健福祉省 女性健康局のウェブサイトから削除されていた。7月には、HHSは「患者保護並びに医療費負担適正化法(ACA)」における性差別の禁止に関して、公開されている記述を変更。特に、性自認の保護とトランスジェンダーの医療に関する記述を削除していた。


保健局は、レズビアンとバイセクシャルのための健康アドバイスのページは古く、情報はサイトの別の部分に保存されていると述べた。 Sunlight財団は反対の意見を述べ、これらの変更は予告なく行われており、関係者に混乱を招く可能性があると考えている。





Activists noticed that soon after the inauguration of Donald Trump as president, some LGBT contents have been removed from the officials websites.

Started the 21 of january 2017 with the removal of the LGBT rights webpage from the White House website.
The sunlight foundation an organization that advocates for more digital transparency on the part of the government and politicians listed these changes.

For example when Department of Education documents on transgender students disappeared. Or when in March information about lesbian and bisexual women’s health was removed from a website for the Office of Women’s Health, which is housed within the Department of Health and Human Services. Or in July, HHS changed its public-facing language around the Affordable Care Act’s ban on sex discrimination, specifically removing language about gender identity protections and transgender medical care. The Health Department said the bi-lesbian health page was outdated and the information was stored in other parts of the site. The Sunlight foundation says the opposite and believes that as these changes are made without advertising, they can be confusing to the people concerned.

The disappearance of a health advice may suggest that it was not correct. Similarly, if a previously mentioned right is erased, it may suggest that it has been repealed. And even if this is not the case at the moment, LGBT rights organizations are worried about what these changes might announce in the future.