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労働党議員のアベナ・オッポン・アサーレ(Abena Oppong-Asare)は自身のツイッターでもう一人の黒人議員と間違われた時のことをつぶやいている。彼女は、別の黒人議員と間違われた時に労働党のもう一人の方だ、と答えると、「なんと、キミがもう一人いるのか」と言われたそうだ。






イギリスで黒人議員が差別に直面したのはこれが初めてではない。 4年前、ドーンバトラー(Dawn Butler)の経験がネット上で拡散。彼女はBBCで、仲間である議員に掃除スタッフが使用するように作られていないからエレベータを降りるように言われたことを話した。


クリーブ・ルイス(Cleve Lewis)は、Brexitがそのような人種差別に加担したと述べる。「Brexitキャンペーンの一部、またはニゲル・ファラージュ(Nigel Farage)など一部の政治家などが持つBrexitの含意には、その核と中心に人種差別があったと思う。 彼らは我々のコミュニティを分割し、国を分割するメカニズムとして人種差別を利用した。一体、何人の有色人種たちが、国民投票の翌日に「何が起こったんだ?」と恐怖感を持って目を覚ましただろう。 最終的に、我々の国は人種差別主義者の論評実績があり、人種差別に信認を与えたボリス・ジョンソンに対して耳を傾けることを選んだ」とクリーブは述べる。



Last December, UK elected a parliament more diversified than the previous one. However, some new elected Black MPs reported that they are facing discriminating comments.


Abena Oppong-Asare, a Labor MP, reported on Twitter been confused for another Black MP, she jokingly answered she was the other black sista from Labor when her interlocutor raised his eyebrows and said “Wow there more of you”.


Later on, she also commented on Twitter, that she was asked by another MP from the Conservative Party (Tory) to take care of his bag as he was dropping it in her hands.


Other non-white MPs as well reported that they were confused from someone else by other MP including some from their own Party. 


This is not the first time a Black UK MP faced discrimination, 4 years ago Dawn Butler’s experience went viral after she told BBC that a fellow MP asked her to get out of the elevator as it was not intended to be used by the cleaning staff.


For Cleve Lewis, Brexit has its responsibility for such racism “I think part of the Brexit campaign, and part of the undertone of Brexit, from some politicians, Nigel Farage and others, had racism at its core and its heart. They used it as a mechanism to divide our communities, to divide our country. How many people of color woke up on the day after the referendum with a sense of dread because of what had happened? Ultimately our country had chosen to listen to Boris Johnson, someone who has a track record of racist commentary, of giving credence to racism,” commented the Labor MP.


However, according to the British think-tank “British Future”, 1 in 10 MP is now non-white, compared to 1 in 40 ten years ago.