【ニュージーランド】Talent Propellerの最高経営責任者であるシャロン・デビーズの呼びかけにより、ビジネスリーダーたちは、より違いに対して寛容になる目的で、職場における人種差別やその他の差別とも戦うための公開書簡に署名した。
New Zealand
Initiated by Sharon Davies chief executive of Talent Propeller, a group of business leaders signed an open letter to fight against racism and discrimination in the workplace in order to make them more inclusive.
Following the Christchurch terror attack, Davies said even if New Zealand is a progressive and inclusive country, there is still a long way to go to eradicate racism and discrimination.
Davies : “Accepting difference will help organizations become so much stronger and open up new opportunities that they’ve been missing from not having diversity”.